
Below are some of the books my works have been featured in.

You Will Be Able To Draw Manga By The End Of This Book

Written and illustrated by myself, published by Octopus Books, and translated and sold across the USA and Europe!

Here are the details:

  • 9781781577189 You Will Be Able to Draw Manga by the End of This Book [UK] - Ilex Press

  • 9781684129607 You Will Be Able to Draw Manga by the End of This Book [USA] - Thunder Bay

  • 9788441542204 Podrás dibujar MANGA cuando acabes este libro [Spain] - Anaya Multimedia

  • 9788441549401 Podrás dibujar MANGA cuando acabes este libro [Spain, 2nd edition] - Anaya Multimedia

  • 9782295014511 A la fin de ce livre vous saurez dessiner les mangas [France] - Dessain & Tolra

Other book publications

Here are some tutorials and illustrations created for books such as Digital Manga Techniques, 500 Manga Characters and Drawing Manga alongside other UK manga artists' works.

In the tutorial books, there are step-by-step illustrations and texts to explain steps on digital drawing, inking and colouring. There are also steps and processes regards designing characters and developing storylines, plus creating cover artwork and pin-up illustration.