Events & Press :: Clients & Bibliography ● Caricatures & Commissions ● Workshops & Talks
Past events - Ayacon (Birmingham, Warwick), Amecon (Leicester), AmeChibi (Nottingham), AnimeCon 2001 (Liverpool), Cambridge Geek Con, CamCon (Cambridge), Comic Con Leicester, DokiDoki Festival (Manchester), Golden Festival (Cambridge), Hyper Japan (London), Japan Expo (Paris), Japanorama (Leicestershire), Kitacon (Warwick), Minamicon (Southampton), MCM London Comic Con/London Expo, MCM Midlands (Telford), Nottingham Comic Con, Peterborough Comic Con, PonyConUK (Nottingham), Portsmouth Comic Con, ShinNenKai 2 (Heathrow), Thought Bubble (Leeds), True Believers (Gloucestershire), Will Adams Festival (Kent).
If you would like to buy my art or comics via my online shop, please visit my Etsy store!
On BBC World News, 29th May 2019, I appeared on TV alongside Nicole Rousmaniere, Curator of Japanese Art for The British Museum, to discuss manga with Lucy Hockings. I did a quick 15 second sketch of Lucy live on air, which was a slightly terrifying, but an overall awesome experience!